Thursday, April 1, 2010

So in a few days I will be….GULP….26 years old. In recent years this number started to scare me and I wasn’t really sure why. But after a glass of wine I started to think about it and I realized when I was a little girl 26 was the age that I decided I was going to be married and have my first baby. It’s funny how when you’re a little girl and you plan out your life it all seems so easy. But it also doesn’t help that at my Alma Mater, AUBURN (war eagle!), you are considered an old maid if you aren’t married or with the one you are going to marry by, at least, 26. Now do I really think I'm going to end up single forever? Not at all but just in case I decided to have a little look to see if I do end up an old maid what type of company I would be in.

Queen Elizabeth

Miss Piggy

So let it be known…

That on the closing days of my 25th year it finally clicked that my childhood dreams are just that, childish

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